Monday, August 15, 2016

I Love Audio Books!

Book Riot has a lament by a new mother here about the difficulty of finding time to read with a new baby. The comments offer plenty of suggestions about pillows, and using kindles, but I didn't see any that offered the really great, perfect solution.

Audio books! You can download the audible app and listen on your phone. And if you put your phone in reduced battery mode, it doesn't even drain the battery much. When you're walking the baby outside you can plug in earphones. In the house, just stick your phone in your pocket and turn up the volume. A book read by a good reader is an amazing joy. I wish I had discovered audio books when my children were babies. Now all of my household chores slide by almost unnoticed while I'm listening to one of my favourite books.

I find books that are slightly comic are the most fun--authors like Jennifer Crusie and Georgette Heyer. I'm listening to Faking It by Jennifer Crusie now, and I'm laughing out loud sometimes. Audio books are so much fun. And being able to listen to them on a phone means they can go anywhere with you--way better than the cassettes I used to use, and then the CD's.

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