Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Technology Isn't Enough

The Huffington Post has an interesting article here that discusses why technology can't substitute for teachers.

I really agree with this author that technology cannot substitute for human contact, especially at the elementary level.   However, there is one use of technology that is wonderful for schools in the developing world, and that can be used at all levels, and that is e-readers.
E-readers mean that children in the poorest districts can have access to a wide range of children’s literature.   Children hundreds of miles from any library or bookstore can now become avid readers.
It’s hard to overestimate the importance of this.  Reading a book develops skills that simply hearing lectures or reading short pieces can’t touch.  Children learn to follow long, complicated plots.  They start to understand tone and voice.  They get drawn into stories and develop empathy for people very different from them. 

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