Forbes has a column here comparing education today with Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Apparently, if we had competition in education, as in ice cream stores, all would be great, and every child could choose to go to an excellent school.
sorry, but I expect columns of more substantive value from Forbes. Mr. Gobry has a vision of a country where
every child can choose to go to an excellent school, but gives no clue how this
can happen.
So .
. . we are giving up local control and funding, since that is what ties schools
to neighborhoods? Are we going to turn
all schools into charter schools? Who will
run the charter schools? People we
elect? Private boards?
we haven’t even started talking about the growing special education population. What’s the statistic for autism now? One in 50? Charter schools haven’t exactly rushed to
service this population.
was a high school English teacher for 37 years, and no one wants every child in
an excellent school more than I do. But
I get completely frustrated at a column like this. Ed. reform should take a lesson from Ben
& Jerry’s ice cream? Oh please. If you want to read some thoughtful writing
on the current state of education, check out this blog, written by a high
school English teacher:
check out mine:
And we haven’t even started talking about the growing special education population. What’s the statistic for autism now? One in 50? Charter schools haven’t exactly rushed to service this population. essay