Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Is There Agreement on Education?

The Washington Post has an opinion piece here suggesting the Washington should be working on infrastructure, health care, and education rather than budget issues since agreement is closer.

While most policy makers seem to agree that the Common Core Standards and an aggressive testing program are the way to improve education, I don't think many teachers, or parents, or kids agree.  People on the front lines of education understand that teachers and students do better when encouraged to be independent and creative in designing learning.  Parents understand that if children are given difficult, tedious tasks to do over and over not much good comes of it.

Ironically, it looks like the majority of the public do agree on the major finance issue, i.e. cut spending but also raise some new revenue.  But the policy makers don't agree at all.

Perhaps policy makers need to listen more carefully to their constituents.  

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